Opening Hours ​


17:30 ​


● 藝術燈區​

Art Lantern Zone

● 新創燈區​

Innovative Lantern Zone​

● 徵件燈區​

Call for Entries Lantern Zone
(Seaside Cabins light off at 22:30)​



● 巷弄燈區​

Street Lantern Zone​

17:30 ​


● 大眾廟暨鹽水車站光環境

Luminous Environment of Dazhong Temple and Yanshui Station

Travel Information ​


使用 03


Group 50 拷貝
轉乘公車 | 棕幹線、棕1、棕2、棕3、棕4、棕6、61公車
上車點 | 新營站
下車點 | 鹽水站
Group 511 拷貝
轉乘公車| 棕5
上車點 | 新營站
下車點 | 鹽水分駐所站
使用 03


Group 50 拷貝


Group 511 拷貝


▶ 除夕當日不行駛!

▶ 元宵節當天實施交通管制,將宣佈公告公車改道移位班表及停靠站點

使用 04


Group 50 拷貝

轉乘公車 | 橘9、橘9-1

上車點 | 2號出口第7月台
下車點 | 新營轉運站

轉乘公車 | 棕幹線、棕1、棕2、棕3、棕4、棕6、61、 7207、7208公車
上車點 | 新營轉運站
下車點 | 鹽水站

Group 511 拷貝

轉乘公車 | 166公車

上車點 | 2號出口第4月台 

下車點 | 鹽水站

▶ 提醒您,棕幹線、棕1、棕2、棕3、棕4、棕6皆有停靠護庇宮站、橋南里站、橋南老街臨時站元宵節當天鹽水市區實施交通管制,將另行公告公車改道行駛班表及停靠站。

使用 05


Group 50 拷貝
國道1號 → 在新營交流道下 → 往鹽水區方向172線 →
過新營市區明達中學後 → 鹽水區南門路 →
橋南街右轉 → 台南市鹽水區鹽水月津港
Group 511 拷貝
國道1號 → 在新營交流道下 → 往鹽水區方向市道172線 →鹽水區仁愛路 → 右轉鹽水區金和路

▶ 鹽水小鎮停車位有限,建議大家多多搭乘大台南公車前往喔!

Travel Route ​


臺南鹽水月津港燈節,仰首期盼的新年走春熱點,透過藝術為地方創造新的火光。 在月光津影的河面上,以及樹張斜影的河畔邊,交會於此,共創出精彩可期的年度燈節盛事, 讓各種最新的藝術裝置展現於此,成為藝術家嶄露頭角與發揮藝術創意的場域。 小旅行計畫兼顧「不錯過亮點作品」、「減少迷失感」、「持續移動」特性, 循著劃分區段,依著水岸而走,看見月津港燈節,也看見鹽水。

The Yuejin Lantern Festival in Yanshui, Tainan stands as an eagerly anticipated New Year holiday attraction, igniting fresh vitality in the region through art. The much-anticipated annual lantern festival was held as a gathering of an art event along the riverside where light and shadows of outstretched trees reflect upon the moonlit river. The Yuejin Lantern Festival provides a creative space for the latest artistic installations to make emerging artists show up prominently and give them full play to unleash their creativity. The One-Day Trip Plan aims to the features of ‘Must-See Spotlight Works’, ‘On-Track Project’ and ‘Keep Moving.’ The plan follows segmented divisions, tracing along the waterfront to allow us to appreciate both the Yuejin Lantern Festival and Yanshui.

小旅行 藝術燈區01

藝術燈區 Art Lantern Zone

Art Lantern Zone

區域為新創燈區局部、興隆橋至水月橋, 此區域路程約30分鐘。河岸兩側均有走道, 臨近永成戲院及橋南老街。

The area stretches from Innovative Lantern Zone to Xinglong Bridge and further to Shuiyue Bridge. Walkways on each side of the riverbanks offer approximately a 30-minute journey. Nearby landmarks include Yongcheng Theater and Qiaonan Old Street.

小旅行 藝術燈區02

藝術燈區 Art Lantern Zone

Art Lantern Zone

區域為水月橋與自行車橋及渡槽橋之間, 此區域路程約30分鐘,河岸兩側均有走道。

The area spans between Shuiyue Bridge to the Bikeway Bridge then to the Water Bridge. It takes approximately a 30-minute journey, with walkways on both sides of the riverbanks.

小旅行 藝術燈區03

藝術燈區 Art Lantern Zone

Art Lantern Zone

區域為渡槽橋至古月橋, 此區域路程約30分鐘, 只有單側河岸可供行走。

The area spans from the Water Bridge to Guyue Bridge, approximately a 30-minute journey, with access available only on one side of the riverbank.

小旅行 徵件燈區01

徵件燈區 Call for Entries Lantern Zone

Call for Entries Lantern Zone


The area spans from Xinyi Bridge to the Arch Bridge, approximately a 30-minute journey with walkways are on both sides of the riverbanks.

小旅行 徵件燈區02

徵件燈區 Call for Entries Lantern Zone ​

Call for Entries Lantern Zone

區域為拱橋至水秀橋,此區域路程約20分鐘,只有單側河岸會亮燈, 建議行走單側亮燈路段。

This area covers a wider distribution, passing through Wangye Temple Lane, Liancheng Lane, Xiude Pavilion, Yulin Lane, Bajiao Building , YueJin Art Museum, Chitu Bistro, Yongcheng Theater, and other must-visit attractions along the Yanshui Old Street. There are overall 18 installations; for the specific locations, please refer to the guide map. The entire walking route takes approximately 45 minutes.

小旅行 新創燈區

巷弄燈區 Street Lantern Zone

Street Lantern Zone

此區域分布較廣,沿途會經過王爺廟巷、連成巷、修德拜亭、魚鱗巷、八角樓、月之美術館、赤兔製作所、永成戲院等鹽水老街必訪景點, 共18件作品,詳細作品位置見導覽地圖,全程步行路程約45分鐘。

This area covers a wider distribution, passing through Wangye Temple Lane, Liancheng Lane, Xiude Pavilion, Yulin Lane, Bajiao Building , YueJin Art Museum, Chitu Bistro, Yongcheng Theater, and other must-visit attractions along the Yanshui Old Street. There are overall 18 installations; for the specific locations, please refer to the guide map. The entire walking route takes approximately 45 minutes.

小旅行 巷弄燈區

新創燈區 Innovative Lantern Zone

Innovative Lantern Zone


he area spans from Yanshui Bridge on Zhongzheng Road to the Yanshui Dazhong Temple and covers approximately 20 minutes on foot, with pathways on both sides of the riverbank.

小旅行 大眾廟

Luminous Environment of Dazhong Temple and Yanshui Station


Luminous Environment of Dazhong Temple and Yanshui Station


The area spans from Yanshui Dazhong Temple along Zhishui Road towards Yanshui Station, featuring light environment designs along the route. This area covers around a 15-minute walk.
